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IMG-Lab is an experiential design group.
We use design, new media and technology to create new and unique experience.
아이엠지랩은 디지털과 아날로그를 넘나드는 콘텐츠 제작을 통해
가상과 현실, 공간을 연결하는 창의적이고 특별한 경험을 디자인합니다.
Our Services
Exhibition Design
Spatial Storytelling
Content Planning Strategy
Graphic Design
Interactive Media
Creative Applications
Software Development
Content Management Systems
Creative Tangible Interface
Sensor-based Interaction System
Physical Hardware Engineering
Technical Production
Digital fabrication & making

Our Team
We are designers and makers driven to explore the unknown, expand our craft,
and add beauty and meaning to the world.
아이엠지랩은 미지의 세계를 탐험하고 끊임없이 우리의 기술을 확장하며
세상에 아름다움과 의미를 더해가는 디자이너이자 제작자 그룹입니다.
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